Importing Images in Photoshop Elements

Importing Images in Photoshop Elements
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Importing Images

We all do it. We take lots of great photos that sit untouched on either our digital media card, digital camera or home computer. And, if we are one of the few who are diligent enough to have actually downloaded or photos to our hard drive or a photo sharing website, we probably do not have them organized in a very useful manner. Many people are simply overwhelmed with the prospect of managing our photos and think it is a task for those with enough endurance to run a marathon. But, here is where you are wrong. With Photoshop Elements, it is very simple to take advantage and actually use those great photo memories you have captured. As a first in a useful series of commentaries, this article will expose you to Importing Images, the first step in the process of using your personal or business photos.

Making a collection of photos is just the first stage in the process of actually using those memories you have saved. And, Photoshop Elements makes a seemingly daunting task very simple by allowing you to acquire photos from a number of sources. Whether they are stores on a digital media card, mobile phone, folder on a computer hard drive, scanner or a CD, collecting photos is simple. So, let’s get started importing images:

  1. Start Photoshop Elements.
  2. From the Welcome Screen, click on View and Organize Photos. This selection will open the Organizer screen.
  3. From the Organizer screen, select File > Get Photos > From (Source). The source is the location where your files are currently stored (ie. Scanner, digital media, CD, etc.).
  4. Navigate to the photos that you want to import.
  5. Select the options you want to use when importing by checking the box next to the option. Options include: Get Photos from Subfolders, Automatically Fix Red Eyes, and Automatically Suggest Photo Stacks.
  6. Select the images you wish to import and click Get Photos.
  7. The images will be imported and viewable on your Organizer screen.

That is it! That wasn’t so hard was it? Your photos are now available in Photoshop Elements where you can view them each time you run the program. Next month, look for my commentary on using Photoshop Elements to organize your photos so that you can lay your finger on the exact photo you want when you need it.

This post is part of the series: Photoshop Elements 5.0

Don’t be afraid of Photoshop Elements 5.0. Read this series to allay your fears and see how simple it is to make the most of your photos.

  1. Make the Most of Your Memories with Photoshop Elements 5.0
  2. Using Photoshop Elements 5.0 to Organize Your Photos
  3. With Photoshop Elements 5.0 You Can Edit Images to Your Heart’s Content