Using "Marker Points" to Streamline the Video Editing Process in Final Cut Pro

Using "Marker Points" to Streamline the Video Editing Process in Final Cut Pro
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Setting Points

When you are using Finial Cut Pro for a more extensive project, or cutting together very long takes or interviews, you may have to put markers on those master clips to keep track of certain moments in the footage. They can be used to mark the beginning of a certain response in an interview, or to set beat points in your Timeline against music you are using.


When looking at a specific clip in the Viewer, whether a master or sub-clip, you can set a marker point simply by pressing M. When you do this a small green icon comes up in the time track in the Canvas, notifying you that this is where the marker has been set. The same is true when setting a market in the Timeline, where pressing M will put the green marker icon in the time ruler that is at the top of the Timeline. If you want to use a marker on a specific video, audio, or photo clip in the Timeline you highlight the desired clip, put the playback bar on the correct location, and again press M. Another way to set markers is to place the playback bar in the Timeline, or at the location within a clip that you would like to mark, and then go to Mark on the task bar. Go to the Markers option, and select Add.

Altering Markers

If you would like to remove a marker point that you have set go up to Mark in the task bar, select Markers, and select Delete. Make sure the playback bar is right on your marker. If you would like to edit information about this marker, such as giving it a title, you go back to the Mark menu, down to the Marker option, and then select Edit. An Edit Marker window will come up where you can change the name of the marker, add comments, give it a specific clip time if you want to turn it into a segment, as well as set things like chapter and compression markers. You can also delete the marker from this window. From the Markers option in the mark menu you also have the option to reposition, extend, or delete all the markers.


The marker system can be just another way of keeping a large editing project organized. When working with multiple types of media, especially musical tracks, it is great to set labeled marker points so you know exactly where beat points are and where you would like montages or transitions. Try using them in a variety of ways, but keep them just as labeled and organized as you would with your media.

This post is part of the series: Final Cut Pro

Learn different tools in Final Cut Pro with this tutorial series.

  1. The History of Final Cut Pro
  2. Final Cut Pro Certification
  3. How to Use “Photo Motion” in Final Cut Pro - Part 1
  4. How to Use “Photo Motion” in Final Cut Pro - Part 2
  5. How to Do Color Correction in Final Cut Pro
  6. How To Change Video Clip Speeds in Final Cut Pro
  7. How to Make Video Clips Black and White in Final Cut Pro
  8. How to Do Video Transitions in Final Cut Pro
  9. How to “Nest” Items in Final Cut Pro
  10. How to Import and Capture Video in Final Cut Pro
  11. Keeping Your Final Cut Pro Project Organized
  12. Video Editing - How to Crop Images in Final Cut Pro
  13. Using Keyboard Shortcuts in Final Cut Pro
  14. Using Keyboard Shortcuts in Final Cut Pro - Part 2 of 3
  15. Using Keyboard Shortcuts in Final Cut Pro - Part 3 of 3
  16. Using Markers in Final Cut Pro
  17. Labeling Clips in Final Cut Pro
  18. Adding Zoom to Video in Final Cut Pro
  19. Creating Map Motion in Final Cut Pro
  20. Printing to Video in Final Cut Pro
  21. How to Make Scrolling Credits in Final Cut Pro
  22. Keyboard Remapping in Final Cut Pro
  23. Quick Organizational Tips for Final Cut Pro
  24. Learning How to Use Final Cut Pro