Learn More About Square Space: A Premium Online Publishing System for Novice and Professional Web Designers

Learn More About Square Space: A Premium Online Publishing System for Novice and Professional Web Designers
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What is Square Space?

Square Space is an online publishing system for those who want to build a website, no matter whether it is for a portfolio or a blog. Hosting, domain name, and design are all contained in one place to make the process simple for everyone. Many different designs and features are available to create a completely custom approach.

Who Should Use Square Space?

Though Square Space is meant for those who have no experience with coding and design. For those who want something that looks professional without hiring a professional, Square Space is the answer. There’s even a program for developers to manage client websites, where they can make money for using the system, too. Discounts are provided based on the number of accounts you have, and you can pocket the discount yourself. It’s a great solution for both novice designers and professional developers.

Square Space Features

There are many different features available for Square Space users, including:

  • Design Templates

  • Editorial Control: No ads are placed on your site, and you have complete control of how you want to monetize it.

  • Blog modules

  • Google Maps module

  • Amazon module

  • WYSIWYG editor interface

  • Detailed Analytics system tracks RSS subscribers, Google pagerank and more.

  • Have a blog already? Import from Blogger, Movable Type, Typepad, and WordPress.

Square Space Pricing

There are a variety of pricing plans designed to fit the needs of every budget. The pricing plans are as follows:

  • Basic Package: For $8 a month, the customer gets a .squarespace URL, 1GB of storage and 75 GB of bandwidth.

  • Pro Package: For $14 a month, the customer gets a custom URL, 2 GB of storage, with 125 GB of bandwidth. URL shortcuts, 2 custom audiences and 250 members.

  • Advanced Package: For $20 a month, the customer gets a custom URL, 3 GB storage, 175 GB bandwidth, URL shortcuts, 3 custom audiences, 250 members, 5 editors, member subscriptions, the drop box module, per page style sheets and HTML injection points.

  • Business Package: For $30 a month, the business package includes: a custom URL, 4 GB storage, 300 GB Bandwidth, URL shortcuts, 4 custom audiences, unlimited members and editors, member subscriptions, the drop box module, per page style sheets, HTML injection points, SSL security, FAQ Builder, email template control, and form builder.

  • Community Package: For $50 a month, the community package includes: all of the above features with public registration, 5 GB storage, 400 GB bandwidth, and an additional custom audience.

There is a 14 day, no credit card required free trial of the service for those who are interested in trying it before they buy it.