Installing a PHP Forum
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phpBB: Best forum available at present

The advent of php with its successful and widely used ‘phpBB’ package which has made installing and creating a php forum not just easy, but available to all. Here we look at some of the basic routines you need to follow to create a php forum.

The first step is to go to ‘’ and download the latest version. The instructions for downloading are easy for anyone to follow, and once you have done so and assuming you have the required machinery and you are ready to go.

Once the phpBB package is on your system, and placed in the folder you want it to be in, enter the URL in the address bar and phpBB will automatically bring up the simple introduction screen.

Pressing the ‘Install’ button instigates the necessary checks that tell phpBB if you have the correct equipment, and if you do, follow the instructions and execute ‘Start Install’.

Here, you will be asked for details of the database you will be using for your forum, as follows:

The Database Type - the database you will be using, most likely a MySQL database.

The Database server hostname or DSN - the address of the database server.

The Database server port – a little used function that should not generally be necessary except in specific circumstances.

The Database name- ‘Johns Forum’ for instance, or anything that you have decided upon.

The Database username and Database password - the login data to access the database.

Once all of this has been entered as requested, we can progress to the next stage.

Next you will be asked to create the Administrator details – those of the person, maybe yourself, who will be responsible for the upkeep of the system. This is a straightforward part of the procedure. Following this, phpBB will with your help configure the files automatically, after which you will be able to log in to the administrator panel and begin making your phpBB forum.

To create a new forum is simple. From the administration panel go to the ‘Forums’ tab, and add the name of your forum and on the next screen alongside you can see the ‘create new forum’ button. Press this, and you are creating a phpBB forum – it really is that simple.

This will create a forum using the default settings. There are detailed alternatives that we have not the space to go into here which should be adequate for most forums, but do pay attention to the permissions and settings options, as these determine who is allowed where, and when. Hit submit, and you have a basic forum ready to use!