Blogger Problems: Bad Request

Blogger Problems: Bad Request
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Blogger Problems Bad Request

Some of you might have experienced those Blogger problems of bad request which randomly happens and shows the message “Bad Request Error 400” or “HTTP Error 400 Bad Request” and perhaps, with the message, “your browser sent a request that this server could not understand” in the window instead of the web page, when using Blogger.

This seems to be a known problem, but the message is so vague that it could have been caused by any one of a myriad of problems. The most common reason for this error message, could be that the url of the website was entered wrongly or the link that was clicked redirects to a url with mistakes in it. Thus, the web page was not able to load properly. Sometimes it could be issues due to the website’s server, or even simply due to poor internet connection with the server that makes it incapable of responding to the query.

The generic steps to take when encountering Blogger problems of bad request is to clear cache, cookies, browsing history and active logins.

If you are using Firefox browser, click on Tools and select Recent History. Select everything until you see a message that says all history will be cleared. Click Clear Now.

Then restart your browser. Alternatively, try using a different browser to access the url and see if the bad request error message persists. If this works then the error message was due to your browser. Find on upgrade to your browser and update it to the latest version with security fix.

Perhaps, it could also be due to slow or interrupted internet connection. Try logging into your Blogger, when you can get access to a better and more stable internet connection.

Sometimes you might have had your Gmail open simultaneously with your Blogger account in different tabs or windows. If you sign out of Gmail and then try to click on a link within your Blogger, it would show an error message as you had logged out of your Gmail. To solve this problem simply go to your Blogger login and log in again with your email and password.

These simple steps have worked for many people and if they worked, you know it is not an issue with your computer.

Google Blogger Error Message Problems - HTTP 400 Bad Request

If all the above general steps did not work for you and you still have the Google Blogger error message problems, then you will have to do a deeper analysis into the problem to find a solution. You will now have to troubleshoot the problem which could have been caused by your computer that is running the web browser.

The 400 bad request error could have been caused by a lack of maintenance of your computer due to corrupt registry keys. Use a registry cleaner to repair your registry. If you are using Windows, make sure that you have the latest security updates from Microsoft. Also ensure that you have the latest anti-virus and spyware programs to secure your computer.