Creating and Using an Employee Coaching Form: Free Template Included

Creating and Using an Employee Coaching Form: Free Template Included
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Employee coaching is essentially a non-directive approach to self-development, wherein the coach and the employee make a collaborative effort toward improving the employee’s work performance or overcoming problems and issues. Employee coaching is neither training nor mentoring , although it may at times, include either one of these or both.

Employee coaching requires an organized approach , and the best tool to plan, monitor and evaluate this process is an employee coaching form. So, to begin with, just download a free printable copy of the this from Bright Hub’s Media Gallery. Once you’ve downloaded and saved the template, come back to this page to learn more about how to use it.

Using the Form

The top section of the form is meant to put in the name of the coach or the supervisor who will be administering as well as evaluating the coaching process. The coach can either be a supervisor from the operational department of the employee or from the Human Resource department, thus you must mention the department of the coach in this section. By and large, work performance related issues will require coaching by the operational supervisor, whereas behavioral and such other problems may need help from the HR department. And the last field of this section requires the date on which the coaching plan is created.

Employee Details

In this section you need to furnish some basic employment details of the employee who is to be coached. These details are:

  1. Name of the employee,
  2. Employee number – as in the HR records,
  3. Designation of the employee,
  4. How long the employee has been working with the organization, and
  5. The department in which the employee works.

Focus Area

The next section titled ‘Focus Area’ is meant to elaborate upon the problems that have been identified in the employee’s behavior or performance. This section is divided into two parts –

  • The first part requires you to identify the nature and severity of the problem. Although the usual problems like absenteeism, poor job performance, lacking necessary skills and behavioral problems have been provided as options, if the identified problem doesn’t fit into one of these categories, you can add it at the end of the list. It is important to note here that while we’ve constantly been using the word problem, coaching may not just be needed for problems alone. So in the options you can see ‘changed work scenario’ as one of the options, which can be selected if the employee is being coached to familiarize him with new technology or new procedures, or if the employee needs to be groomed for a new job role. As for the severity of the problem, select one of the five options provided on the coaching form for each problem.
  • In the second part you can put in the key observations made, in relation to the identified problems.

Coaching Plan

This is the place to talk about the corrective measures that have been identified to help, direct and motivate the employee, to work on the issues. Here you can make a list of the suggested corrective actions along with the timeframe set for the implementation of each action. The timeframe doesn’t need to have exact dates – even writing something like a month or before the next appraisal may be quite sufficient.

The second half of the coaching plan identifies the consequences that may result if the employee shows no improvement by the end of the coaching term. This list will have two parts – one that talks about the consequences for the organization and the other which lists the consequences for the employee. The employee must be informed about the consequences he/she has to face in case he/she shows no improvement after the coaching.

Coaching Evaluation

This is where the supervisor will periodically record the progress of the employee. In the coaching form, which you’ve downloaded from the above link, there is space only for two periodic assessments, but if you need to record more than two assessments you can duplicate the fields and add them to the right of the existing fields.

In the first field goes the name of the coaching action that has been implemented. For each periodic assessment you’ll need to fill in three types of information –

  1. The date of the assessment,
  2. The observations taken by the coach, and
  3. The level of improvement that has been seen – it can be mentioned either as a percentage or simply as excellent, good, acceptable, minimum improvement or no improvement.

Coaching Summary

This final section of the employee coaching form template is to be filled in only at the end of the coaching term. Here, the supervisor can write about the overall improvement in the employee’s performance. Also, there’s space for leaving any final comments on the coaching process or on the employee.


Employee Coaching Form - Cumberland County Pennsylvania retrieved at

The Need for Coaching in the Workplace - FlexStudy retrieved at

Image Credit:

Image by – Sidharth Thakur