10 Top Sales Tips for Closing the Deal

10 Top Sales Tips for Closing the Deal
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What Are the Top Ten Selling Tips?

You’ve probably heard the old saying, “the customer comes first,” but that won’t get you far in selling your product. Browse the Internet for sales tips and you’ll find many so what’s the secret to selling success? Here are top ten selling tips that can help you sell to almost any customer:

  1. Know Your Customer-Base - This means watching and listening to your customers as well as knowing their spending trends, base incomes for your sales area, and who is the decision-maker when you want to close the sale. Knowing these things upfront can be gold in successful selling.
  2. Offer Good Solutions - Instead of looking at a sale as only a sale, think of it as a solution. By selling your product, you are meeting some sort of customer need. Identify customers needs and turn your “sales” into “solutions.”
  3. Go the Extra Mile - Customers are delighted to get something for nothing. Offer free gifts or services with the close of ever sale and roll the price of that gift or service into your sales price. If you can’t roll it in, ask your accountant how to use it as an expense at tax time.
  4. Evaluate Your Pitch - If you’re sales pitch isn’t enticing, customers will get bored fast. Create some sales pitches and practice them on friends, family members or mentors. Use their criticism constructively to come up with the best sales pitch.

Becoming Top In Sales

A lot of sales tips focus on the personality of the salesperson. How well do you present yourself?

5. Smile and Be Enthusiastic - Do you smile, look your customers in the eye, and are you enthusiastic about your product or service? If not, your customers may perceive you as grumpy and non-interested. If you lack skills in this area, take a sales training seminar and improve your sales presentation.

  1. Stay Connected - In today’s Internet world, more and more sales people are creating Facebook or LinkedIn pages. Set up your own page, update it frequently, and email it to your customers. Twitter is also a great way to stay connected with your customers. Find out other ways social networking can help your small business.

7. Slow It Down - Everyone has experienced the fast-talking salesperson. This can be annoying if your customers can’t understand you and have no idea what you’re talking about. Speak clearly and give your customers a chance to ask questions.

8. Dress Appropriately - Even in these days of the casual office or workplace, you should still dress appropriately. Your sales efforts won’t go far if your appearance is unkempt and your clothes are old and worn.

And… The Top Two Sales Tips

You can follow all the sales tips provided here, but what are the most important sales tips for successful selling?

Challenge Yourself - Do you set sales goals and challenge yourself each month? If you don’t, what are you really striving for? Set some goals and see how well you do.

Follow-Up - Almost every customer likes a follow-up call to inquire if they are pleased with your product or service. This keeps customers coming back. Set aside time each week to make follow-up calls and stick with it.

The sales portion of your small business can become successful if you do some research, brush up on your sales pitch, and use these top ten sales tips. The art of sales has been around for centuries, so polish your skills and start selling!