Entrepreneurial Skills: A Collection of Tips and Advice

Entrepreneurial Skills: A Collection of Tips and Advice
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Congratulations…you’re an entrepreneur. If you have been waiting to hear those words, have you been waiting a long time? Entrepreneurialism is a career long endeavor, but only for those who choose to stick with it and develop their skills in their respective fields. Unfortunately, many business owners find themselves in a rut when it comes to growing their business and themselves because they are not staying current in their industry and with their particular set of skills. This is the ultimate no-no for entrepreneurs.

So what can and what should an entrepreneur do in order to remain current, relevant and effective? Simple… stay current, relevant and effective. Entrepreneurs need to continuously and consistently develop what they have, what they want and where they are. It’s called planning the next move. Effective entrepreneurs understand the importance of education, networking and research. Yes, it’s true a lot of noted entrepreneurs were college drop-outs, but many successful business owners did go to college. And, education doesn’t have to be a four-year degree; however, it is important that as an entrepreneur you stay abreast in your industry, and education is one way of doing so.

Here at Bright Hub, we want you to be the best you can be so we’ve pulled together a library of our favorite articles to help you succeed in the entrepreneurial world.


First, you need to know that education is key. Sounds cliché but it’s the truth. Experience is a good teacher but education is equally important because in today’s entrepreneurial market, entrepreneurs need to have the know-how and know-why. The know-how is the experience part of being an entrepreneur and the know-why is the education part. Let’s look at some place you can find the right education even if you choose a distance learning venue.

As you hone your entrepreneurial skills you should start with your local community college for non-credit refresher courses or certification programs that relate to your industry. Certification programs allow you to earn credentials in your field without four years of college. There is also the convenience of online courses and certification programs to help you improve your entrepreneurial skills.


While education is one of the best ways to develop your entrepreneur skills, networking is the most traditional and consistent method. The true style of networking is face-to-face, hand in hand conversations but due to technology there are other networkign methods. The face-to-face method does seem outdated but have you ever heard the term, the best laid plans or deals are done on the golf course, behind closed doors, etc?

You should also check with local, like-minded or industry groups for networking opportunities. Your local Chamber of Commerce is a great resource. If you have lost your identify to a keyboard and monitor here are some helpful tips to better networking.

Still, social media is a major part of networking business opportunities and should not be overlooked, just controlled. Keep in mind that social media networking is only a small portion of actual networking, despite how many companies and entrepreneurs use it.


Always remember before you embark upon any endeavor – research, research, research. As an entrepreneur it is imperative that you research your next move, regardless of how small you think that move is. Yes, it is important to use your gut but research goes a long way in aiding that gut feeling. Research is important because entrepreneurs can learn new opportunities, develop industry specific needs and remain current on issues.

From simple research to in-depth research, research is important nonetheless. There are various ways to research methods including market research, comparative research and other necessary research that will keep you current as an entrepreneur.

Finally, in order to be effective you must know where you are taking your company and how you want your company to be perceived along the way. An important research method is branding. Branding is important because your business brand can either be positively or negatively impacted by research.

Everything you do as an entrepreneur should help you move towards becoming the best entrepreneur you can be. Researching, networking and the right education can all help you improve your entrepreneurial skills. Remember to always strive for the excellence and be willing to learn from others - even your competitors and you’ll go a long way in the business world.
