Learning How to Embed Flickr Slideshows onto Your Website or Blog

Learning How to Embed Flickr Slideshows onto Your Website or Blog
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Why Embed a Flickr Slideshow?

Flickr allows a person to create a slideshow of almost any images they wish, and share that slideshow with the rest of the world for free. Some crafters may wish to show off their best creations, especially if they wish to sell them. A proud new mother may have dozens of pictures of her baby to show, or even a newlywed couple may have pictures of their honeymoon to share with the entire family.

A Flickr slideshow on your website or blog can be for fun or even for business. You can display your favorite family vacation photos on a social network blog, or display an ongoing slide of your business’s products on a professional website. Some may even have slideshows of other people’s images embedded into their sites for entertainment or simply because they like them. Here is some info on how to embed Flickr slideshows.

The Basics

Flickr provides tools directly on the site, which allow you to share your own slideshows or those you like. You can copy the URL to send, or the simple embed code to add the player to your own site. The code used for embedding a Flickr slideshow is CSS, and many tags allow more customization. Where the basic code has specifics such as player height and width, you can customize these, as well as border, color, and more.

Here is the basic code to embed your Flickr slideshow:

< object width=“400” height=“300”>

Remember that there should be no spaces when you want to use the code, and the userid # should be your own or that of the slideshow you want to use.

Other custom functions can be added to your Flickr player. Here is an article on how to extend Flickr functionalities.

Some Custom Tags

After a slideshow has been embedded on your site or blog, you may decide to do some customizations. This may help the slideshow blend into your site’s layout and theme better, and requires only a few simple tags. Notice in the mess of code above the parameters for width and height? Those can be adjusted to change the size of your Flickr slideshow, and more tags can be incorporated as well. Some of these tags include:

  • text=
  • favorites=
  • tag mode=
  • single=
  • firstIndex=

These can change up your slideshow dramatically, so it is fun to play around with different values to witness the effects.

Other Options

If you’re not so interested in using code to embed your slideshow, there are several alternatives to this as well. flickrSlidr and Slideflickr are great tools which embed the classic slideshow of any user. All you have to do is use the tool to search for a certain user and then embed. Mbedr allows you to embed Flickr slideshows from the site while still maintaining any original annotations from the show. And the Flickr slideshow generator allows you to create custom slideshows and embed them without knowing any code at all.

Whether you decide to use a Flickr slideshow as an excellent advertising tool, or simply a fun way to show off your personal photos, there are many ways to do it. You don’t have to be a CSS whiz either, as alternative tools allow anyone to set up their own custom players with just a few clicks!

Never fear, Mac users! You too can learn how to embed Flickr slideshows and get them on your computer. This article has more info: Mac OS X Flickery.