Tips On How to Raise Money for Summer Camp

Tips On How to Raise Money for Summer Camp
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Determine Your Budget

The first step in learning how to raise money for summer camp is to determine what your total costs will be. If you are planning to attend camp with a group, the group leader should be able to provide you with the overall costs, in addition to a list of the items you will need to take with you. You may need to bring some cash for items.

Create an itemized list of all your expenses and then add them up. If you already have some money saved, subtract this amount from your required expenses. Ask family members if they would consider giving you money toward camp as an early Christmas or birthday present. The amount you end up with is how much money you still need. Once you know this number, you’ll be better prepared on determining the additional funds you’ll need for summer camp.

Fundraising Opportunities for Groups

Fundraisers can be a great way of earning money for camp, especially if you are going with a group. If everyone pitches in, it can be easy to raise the money. Your group leader may already have ideas as to how to raise money for summer camp. These ideas may include organizing a bake sale, car wash, or a group garage sale.

Find fundraising products to sell from a catalog as a fundraiser. When choosing products to sell, be sure to choose items that will appeal to a wide variety of people. This will increase your potential customer base, making it easier to make sales.

You could also host a fundraiser party. Companies that sell products such as cosmetics, jewelry, home accessories, and cooking items often have party plans that are perfect for those looking for fundraising activities. Recycling drives such as collecting aluminum cans can also be a good way to raise money. Organizing a walk-a-thon, bike-a-thon or read-a-thon are also fun, and a profitable way to raise camp funds. Simply take pledges per mile or per book prior to the event. Whatever fundraising method you choose, be sure to advertise in advance to maximize your efforts, and make sure you know all about the latest fundraising trends.

Fundraising Opportunities for Individuals

If you are trying to raise money on your own to go to camp, you could perform services such as babysitting, lawn and garden care, garage cleaning, dog walking or washing windows for family members, neighbors and friends. You many gain more jobs if you let your potential customers know that you are trying to earn money to go to summer camp.

In many cases, people will be more willing to hire you for odd jobs if they know the money is going toward a good cause. Finding a part-time job is also a great way of earning money. You could also ask your relatives to collect their spare change in jars to contribute toward your camp fund. In most cases, they won’t even miss the change, but it can actually add up fairly quickly. Open a savings account at a local bank and deposit all your money so you will not be tempted to spend it on other items. Before you know it, you’ll have enough money saved to achieve your goal of going to camp.


Image Credit: Salvatore Vuono /