iPhone 3.0: Sharing Your Contacts

iPhone 3.0: Sharing Your Contacts
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The iPhone 3.0 update has created progressive changes in every functional area of the iPhone’s design. This is mainly centered around the iPhone’s use as a communication device, especially for phone calls and text based messaging and emailing. The Contacts List ends up being the most important saved informational item in your iPhone as this is where you create profiles for different people, including all of their relevant contact information. Now the iPhone 3.0 update actually allows iPhone users to share this Contacts List information with other people.

Contacts List

When you are in your Contacts List find the contact profile that you would like to share with others and select it. Directly below their primary information and slightly to the right is a button that says Share Contact. Go ahead and press the Share Contact button and an automated email message will come up. This message is similar to the one you would use to share your photos from the Camera Roll.

From here, you will then enter the specific email address and subject to label what the email message is pertaining to. It will then show up in the email as an attachment. It comes as a VCF file, which you then open in your contact software on your computer. This will be whatever you use to sync contacts from your computer to your iPhone. On a PC, this will likely be Microsoft Outlook, depending on what you have set up. This file can then be saved, sent, or otherwise transferred to other people. When they get the file they can then open it in their respective contact software and then sync it to their iPhone once it has been added. This works best if you are syncing a large number of contacts from your computer to your iPhone.


This does not always tend to be a great way to send your iPhone 3.0 contacts to other people. Easier than this is just to do an informational transfer, unless their contact profile is too extensive or complicated. This can be a hands-off way of transferring complete profiles to multiple people through the email process.