Installing WAMP on your Windows Home or Office PC

Installing WAMP on your Windows Home or Office PC
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WAMP is the Windows platform version of LAMP. LAMP stands for Linux - Apache - MySQL - PHP, and is the standard Linux web development package. WAMP is the open source Windows Platform alternative for those web development applications - namely: Apache, MySQL, and PHP. The current versions included are:

  • Apache 2.2.8
  • MySQL 5.0.51b
  • PHP 5.2.6

WAMP allows the Windows PC that it is installed on to support the aforementioned web development tools in a test environment - also called “reproducing your production server”. In its simplest usages, WAMP enables someone to see what their Apache/MySQL/PHP-utilizing website is going to look like without uploading to the live host. It is especially useful in the case of the Joomla! Content Management System, as it fulfills all the requirements for a Joomla! test environment. WAMP can help to enable the computer it is installed on to act as a web server, but in itself, doesn’t guarantee this functionality. Other steps are typically needed, such as a static IP address, a registered domain name, and special server security to keep your “offline” files safe.


  1. Download WAMP (Click on Download at the top).
  2. Run the WampServer 2 setup wizard.
  3. Click “Next” on the first screen.
  4. Select “I Accept the Agreement”. For legal reasons, and your own education, I advise reading the agreement first. Click “Next”.
  5. Select where you want WAMP to be installed on the computer. The default, c:\wamp is a good, easy place. Click “Next”.
  6. Select any shortcuts you may want. Click “Next”.
  7. Review your selections, then click “Install”. Installation may take a few minutes.
  8. After a little while, you will be prompted to choose a default web browser for WAMP. I recommend Firefox, both because it’s good and WAMP auto-detects it, saving you time. If you want to choose something else then you’re going to have to browse for the .exe.
  9. Another prompt will come up asking if you want to overwrite index.php with a new WAMP homepage. Select “No”.
  10. The next information you will be prompted for is SMTP data. Leave the defaults then click “Next”.
  11. Leave the box for “Launch WampServer 2 now” checked, then click “Finish”.