Creative alternatives to book reports

Creative alternatives to book reports
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It’s not really a book report is it?

As the school years approaches the last days and spring fever claims the limited attention span of students a fun creative alternative to the standard book report may provide a little sanity. Below are seventeen alternatives to a written book report.

17 Ways to Avoid Book Reports

Art – Tie in:

  1. Draw a map of the places the characters traveled; don’t forget to have them include a map key.

2. Cut out magazine pictures to make a collage or a poster illustrating a scene from the book.

  1. Make a new book cover.

4. For a favorite scene in the book, have the student draw a comic-book page complete with bubble-style conversations.

5. Each student is responsible to make a poster to convince everyone in the class to read the book.

6. If the book has several different locations, make a travel brochure inviting tourists to visit the setting of the book. What types of activities would there be for them to attend?

7. Pick out the main theme of the story and make it into a picture book with simple vocabulary.

Drama - Tie in:

  1. Dress up like one of the characters in the book and talk about the story from that characters point of view.
  1. Be a reporter reporting on an event that took place in the story.

  2. Pair the students up. They take turns doing an interview. The format could be talk show, news show, or biography special.

4. Create a radio ad for the book. Write out the script and tape record it as it would be presented. Don’t forget background music!

Create writing – Tie in:

  1. Write a new conclusion or beginning featuring a different character as the hero or heroine.
  1. Have the students keep a reading journal and record their thoughts at the end of each reading period.

3. Write a poem or song about the theme of the book.

4. Write a diary as the main character would write it to explain the events of the story. Must have at least 5 entries.

5. Make a dictionary containing 20 or more difficult words from the book.

6. Design and make the front page of a newspaper from a scene in the book.