How to Get In Shape for College Freshmen

How to Get In Shape for College Freshmen
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Getting in Shape Your Freshman Year of College

Attending college can mean bad eating, little exercise and unhealthy living. It is difficult to get in shape for college freshmen. Healthy living is a choice that freshmen need to make on their own. It truly is a choice you need to make.

If you are a college student, you are probably staying up late: studying and/or partying. This is the first time that you have been able to make all of your own decisions about your lifestyle. Your parents are not around to tell you what to do. Hopefully, you are making good choices. However, some students may poor choices.

Late Night Pizza & All You Can Eat Cafeterias: Eat Better

The old saying about “The freshmen 15” is a real and an unfortunate reality for many college freshmen. For some, the freshmen college student can balloon beyond the 15 pounds to 20 or more pounds. Because of the late night pizza and all you can eat cafeterias, many students pick up bad eating habits.

To avoid gaining the extra weight and/or to lose what you have already gained, you have to eat healthier. If you are eating in the cafeteria, you need to make one round with your plate and choose healthy choices. A trip to the sundae bar is not worth the bulge in your belly.

It is really common sense, but hard to do when you are in a hurry to get to class. It takes some planning. You need to look over the food choices while you are waiting in line and pick low-fat or healthy ones. Most college cafeterias mark their food as such.

Shopping for Healthier Choices at the Grocery Store

If you are living in an apartment, you need to learn how to eat healthy eating on the cheap. Healthy food usually costs more than junk food. The more you prepare instead of buying pre-packaged the more money you will save.

If you can shop with a friend and buy in bulk, you will save more money too. And, when mom comes to town, she will be more likely to buy you healthy food rather than junk food. Learn some easy recipes for college to help with the food bill too.

Make the Choice to Exercise

To get in shape for the freshmen year, you will need to exercise more. Most colleges have an exercise rooms or whole buildings for this activity. The best part is that admission to these grand buildings is usually part of your tuition costs. And, many colleges have Zumba classes, Yoga classes, spinning classes, etc. These are actually fun and can be social events.

Plus, you should be walking to class. Do not take the bus or drive to your next class, walk. This is the best way to keep your weight in check.

More Ideas on How to Get Into Shape

Getting into shape does not just include eating right and exercising. It also includes having a healthy outlook on life. Taking classes and managing life on your own can take its toll. Some college freshmen are not used to all the freedom and choices and become overwhelmed.

Managing Stress in College

One of the biggest health issues for college freshman is stress. Stress can bring on headaches, colds and depression. It can cause you to be lethargic and to over eat, which will keep you from getting into shape. And, when you are not in shape, this can also add to your stress. It is a big vicious cycle.

The best way to avoid stress is to not to let yourself become overwhelmed. You need to set a schedule and stick to it. Too many late nights can mean missed classes and poor grades. Some social time is good. However, you are at the college to get an education. This needs to remain your focus.

Create Your Own Survival Guide

Make Your Own Survival Guide

One way to mange stress effectively is to create a survival guide that will work for you. For your freshman year, you should not over extend yourself. If you have to work, try to do it on the weekends or better yet in the summer or during breaks. If you have difficult classes, find a tutor and a study group.

In addition, some students try to manage stress by becoming involved in activities that are detrimental to their health. You need to learn how to managing stress in a healthy way. This does not include binge drinking. Binge drinking is not good for your body and can lead to other problems.

Your freshman year should be fun, exciting and successful. This includes eating healthy, exercising and making good choices to avoid stress. You need to do this because you have at least three more years of college to attain your degree. Then, you are out in the “real world.” So, get in shape your freshman year and enjoy life.


Photo Credit

Both photos taken by Kellie Hayden