Using Microsoft Word to Create Flash Cards

Using Microsoft Word to Create Flash Cards
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Here’s What you Will Need:

  • Microsoft Word 2000 or later
  • Heavy card stock
  • A color printer to display clipart or other images
  • An internet connection if you want to download templates

Flash Card Samples

Downloading Flash Card Templates

Please refer to the Microsoft Word Templates section of this six-part article series for further information.

Creating Flash Cards from Scratch in Microsoft Word 2007

  1. Open a new document in Microsoft Word.

  2. Select the Page Layout tab.

  3. Click Margins and select Custom Margins.

  4. Change the settings for Top, Bottom, Left, and Right to 0.6”.

  5. Click Orientation and select Landscape.

  1. Select the Insert tab and then click Table.

  2. Select a table with 3 rows and 2 columns.

  3. Select the table by clicking on it. A small rectangle appears at the lower-right corner of the table. Click and drag the small rectangle until the table fills your page.

  4. Center-align each cell and enter the appropriate information.

  1. Save your document and print it.
  1. Cut out the cards. You now have a new set of flash cards!

Creating Flash Cards from Scratch in Microsoft Word 2000 and 2003

  1. Open a new document in Microsoft Word.

  2. On the File menu, click Page Setup. The Page Setup dialog box opens.

  3. Select the Margins tab and change the settings for Top, Bottom, Left, and Right to 0.6".

  4. Under Orientation, select Landscape, and then click OK.

  1. On the Table menu, select Insert, and then click Table.

  2. In the Insert Table dialog box, select 3 in the Number of rows box and select 2 in the Number of columns box.

  3. Click OK.

  4. Select the table by clicking on it. A small rectangle appears at the lower-right corner of the table. Click and drag the small rectangle until the table fills your page.

  5. Center-align each cell and enter the appropriate information.

  6. Save your document and print it.

  7. Cut out the cards. You now have a new set of flash cards!

This post is part of the series: Working with Microsoft Word Templates

Learn how to downolad and edit Microsoft Word templates for brochures, greeting cards, certificates, journals, and flashcards.

  1. How to Access Microsoft Word Templates Using Word 2013 and Word Online
  2. Creating Greeting Cards with Microsoft Word
  3. Creating Brochures with Microsoft Word
  4. Creating Journal Entries with Microsoft Word
  5. Creating Certificates with Microsoft Word
  6. Creating Flash Cards with Microsoft Word