How To Access Microsoft Outlook From The Internet: An Overview

How To Access Microsoft Outlook From The Internet: An Overview
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If you are away from your office PC, you might wonder how to access Microsoft Outlook from the Internet . Fortunately, there are several options available for telecommuting professionals. Which option makes sense for you depends on what security restrictions your organization imposes and what technology you have available. Microsoft Outlook can be accessed from the Internet in three main ways: using remote access, using Microsoft Web Access and using a smart phone such as an iPhone or a BlackBerry.

Remote Desktop Access

Logging into your desktop PC remotely lets you access Outlook, Excel and files you have stored on your remote computer. Your company may provide a remote access arrangement using a web portal and an authentication token such as RSA SecurID. This approach is popular in professional services firms, banks and other security-sensitive organizations. If you are seeking to access your home PC or if your organization does not provide a remote access system, consider these options:

  • Log Me In: this web service makes it possible to access your computer from any web browser across the world.
  • Remote Desktop: Remote Desktop is a feature offered in Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7. Setting up Remote Desktop requires some technical knowledge but it is another free option to consider.
  • Go To My PC: This commercial service lets you log into your computer from a remote location. A free trial of the service is offered so that you can test the service to see if it meets your needs.

Outlook Web Access

Microsoft Outlook Web Access, provided by Microsoft, is an excellent way to access Outlook when you are away from your computer. The main drawback is that it requires the use of Microsoft Exchange Server, an expensive piece of software that tends to be limited to large companies and organizations such as universities and governments. If you are unsure whether or not you can use Microsoft Web Access or need help configuring Microsoft Outlook Web Access options, consult your IT help desk.

To use Microsoft Outlook Web Access (OWA), you can use Internet Explorer or a different web browser such as Safari, Firefox or Opera. To access all of OWA’s features, use Internet Explorer. OWA can be accessed by typing in a web address such as “”

Accessing Outlook on a Smart Phone

If you have a smartphone like an iPhone or a BlackBerry, you can use your mobile device to access your Outlook email. Setting up your to access Outlook iPhone to access Microsoft Exchange email can be done in a few steps. You can also use an Android smart phone or a BlackBerry to access your Outlook email account. There are two ways of using your iPhone to access your Outlook email: use the Mail app on your phone or use the web browser on your smart phone. Most users have the best functionality when they use a dedicated email application.

To access your Outlook email on your smart phone, you will need to following settings:

  • Name and email address
  • Server type: POP3, IMAP and Microsoft Exchange are the most common options.
  • Server configuration information: You may need port numbers, security settings and related information here.
  • SMTP server settings: The SMTP server settings are required to send email.


To learn more about the technical answers to the question, “how to access microsoft outlook from the internet,” consult the resources provided in this section.

Image Credit: Tech Tools

Log Me In,

Go To My PC,

Configure Remote Desktop Access on Windows 7 Systems,