Photo Gallery of Eye Catching Geocaching Accessories and Equipment for the 21st Century Adventurer

Photo Gallery of Eye Catching Geocaching Accessories and Equipment for the 21st Century Adventurer
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Geocoins are the one of the most sought-after items during a geocaching adventure. Most are marked with tracking numbers that can be activated and registered through geocaching websites. They are highly collectible and are available in a large variety of themes and designs. Some examples of geocoins include those designed for special events and geographical locations, favorite hobbies, animals, political affilliations, astrological signs or personal inspirational messages. The coins can be made with silver, bronze, nickel, gold and other types of metallic materials.


The portable GPS is an essential tool for the geocacher. The modern-day treasure seeker relies on GPS coordinates to help them navigate through the wonders of nature. The most popular GPS brands for geocachers are Garmin, Magellan and DeLorme. Don’t leave home without it!


A good backpack is needed to carry all the geocacher’s accessories and equipment. The backpack you use should be made of a durable and preferably waterproof material. Use it to help keep your hands free and your eyes open for new adventures.

Hiking Boots

Hiking boots are great footwear to have when exploring various types of terrain. They keep a good grip and protect yourself from elements of nature. There are a variety of hiking brands to choose from. Some brands to consider are Keen, Asolo, Merrell, Lowa, ECCO, North Face, Zamberland or Vasque.

Digital Camera

A digital camera is handy to capture the memories of your geocaching adventures. Be sure have plenty of memory in the camera for lots of pictures. Don’t forget the case and an extra charged battery.

Geocaching Containers

Geocaching containers come in all shapes and sizes. They are an essential accessory used in geocaching whether you are setting up your own cache or hunting for one that is hidden.

Walking Stick

A walking stick is useful to help geocachers keep a steady footing while exploring unknown territory. They are generally made of wood. Some variations have a tracking code inprinted on them that can be logged by the user on certain geocaching websites. Other types of walking sticks have a three-piece design, which allows for convenient storage.


Geoswag are any fun items that can be left in caches for adventurers to find. They can include things like magnets, keychains or small toys.

Geocache Logbook

The geocaching logbook keeps track of every explorer that discovers a particular hidden cache. A good tip is to keep the logbook protected in a plastic bag and include a pen or pencil for the cacher to use.


Extra light is needed to find hidden caches. A flashlight is a staple that should be included with every geocacher’s accessories and equipment. Don’t forget to bring extra batteries!

Travel Bugs

Travel bugs are small items that can be attached to items hidden within a geocache. They are imprinted with a number that can be registered and tracked through certain geocaching websites.

First Aid Kit

First aid kit: A no-brainer. Ideally it will have bandages, wraps, hydrocortisone, aspirin, compress dressings, sterile gauze and antiseptic wipes. It’s always better to be safe than sorry.

CITO Items

CITO is the acronym for “Cache in Trash Out.” It is also an unofficial initiative for geocachers who take the time to pick up trash during specific CITO events or everyday geocaching exploration trips. CITO bags (which can come in sealed containers) can be placed into caches for the nature-conscious geocacher to use. These specially designed CITO labeled trash bags can be found at the Cache Box and websites.


Heavy duty gloves are useful to have whether you are on a geocaching expedition in a forest, desert or mysterious underground cavern. They can be made of a variety of fabrics, from jersey to leather materials.

Water Bottle

Water–the essence of life. When choosing a water bottle, the best type to purchase would be one that is made of BPA free plastic (as shown above) or stainless steel.

Cell Phone

Communication is important when venturing into a new location. The cell phone is a good way to keep in touch with your geocaching friends. Before you start exploring for that hidden cache, make sure your phone is fully charged and consider bringing an extra battery just in case.


Sun glare can be harsh and damaging to the eyes. The best sunglasses will have 100 percent UV protection. Bringing a pair of sunglasses will help make your geocaching day trips a more comfortable experience.


To a geocacher, the right accessories and equipment can make the difference on the success of finding a hidden cache. We hope that this image gallery gave you a bit of motivation and inspiration that helps you plan your next geocaching expedition.
