Teacher Observations: Observe and Learn

Teacher Observations: Observe and Learn
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Observe and Learn

Teachers do not have all of the answers. This is especially true with beginning teachers. Such teachers need to be welcomed and made to feel as if they an essential part of the school

Young teachers should be encouraged to observe older, more experienced teachers to see exactly how such teachers handle discipline, conduct class, and gain the attention of students.

Teachers should not just observe one teacher but should observe an array of teachers, both experienced and less experienced.

Observing other teachers will allow inexperienced teachers to observe their colleagues in action. It gives teachers ideas on how to arrange their classrooms as well as how to effectively instruct students. New teachers get to see what works and what does not work before they implement similar measures in their own classroom.

A Requirement or Not?

Such observations should be a requirement during a teacher’s collegiate training, coupled with their student teaching.

If teachers were required to complete such observations early in their college career, they would know if teaching is their calling. If teachers are more aware of recalcitrant students, unsupportive parents, and workload, then they may choose to find a career that is more to their liking. They will be aware of the shortcomings and some of the less-than-glorious aspects pertaining to teaching.

If college students or potential teachers are required to complete observations, they would have a better idea of a teacher’s job description and know what the title “teacher” entails.

First Day on the Job = First Day in the Classroom

Currently, there are several alternative route programs in which a teacher’s first day on the job is his or her first day in the classroom. So, individuals become teachers without ever knowing what it is like to be in a classroom with teenagers all day long. With some of these programs, enrollees are not even required to observe actual classes.