Keyword Research for SEO Marketing: Clear Explanation for Beginners

Keyword Research for SEO Marketing: Clear Explanation for Beginners
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If you are seriously looking to make your online business a profitable venture then your first step in the right direction is: KEYWORD RESEARCH! Keywords are the foundation of SEO (Search-Engine Optimization). Creating a website and launching without any thought to keywords and SEO will get you nowhere fast. Read on for mroe information.

First, let’s delve into a brief explanation of exactly what SEO means and what it can do for you.

An online dictionary source describes Search-Engine Optimization as, a method used to increase the level or regularity in which a website appears resulting from a search engine, in an attempt to expand traffic to said site.

Keyword research should be one of the first things you think about before launching a site, as it is one of the most important aspects in online marketing. This will most likely be the least fun aspect of beginning an online business but, keep in mind that many have paved the way to this knowledge with their mistakes, thus noting: this research is one of the most important preliminary steps if you want to be successful in your online ventures.

Keywords 101

When someone uses Yahoo or Google to search for anything, they often use phrase or keyword like: tea. If they are having difficulty finding exactly what they are searching for they will expand on their input, elaborating on their search like: green tea. If they still have no luck with their search they will elaborate in further detail, a more specified search like: organic green tea brand.

Web surfers are becoming more adept at asking for exactly what they are looking for. When you use this to your advantage, you will see just how valuable using the right SEO method can serve you.

One-word phrases are the most popular, whereas two-word phrases are less used, and so on and so forth. But when it comes to a surfer finding their results faster, two to three-word phrases are most helpful when it comes to targeting exactly what the searcher is looking for. These two to three word phrases are known as long tail keywords.

Targeted Traffic: Your Audience

Think of targeted traffic as—your audience. People who are specifically searching for information or products that you may provide through your website. Long tail keywords produce the best results as far as bringing searchers to your site who are looking for exactly what you provide.

For example, let’s say you are a searcher looking for a specific brand of organic green tea. You would obviously search the exact brand of green tea that you are searching for, unless you are searching for different brands of organic green teas.

If someone is trying to find a site that sells this green tea, they may be searching for the product at the best price and use keywords like: organic green tea cheap, organic green tea sale, organic green tea coupon, etc.

Although the long tail keywords are used less frequently, in experience focusing on a collection of targeted long tail keywords is what is going to draw the most amount of targeted traffic to your website.

Research shows that surfers more often use less keywords to attain general information about their interest. After the potential consumer is ready to make a purchase they will focus on a more specified search like, “Majestic” organic green tea “Fairway” market, or a specific city, i.e. Woodside N.Y.

If someone finds your site and buys a product through it, it means that the search words they used converts to sales. If they only visit your site, read the information and leave, those specific keywords tend not to end in conversion.

To paint you an ultra-clear picture, think of your website as a gym. Everyone who walks through the door is considered a prospect. You want to convert as many prospects as you can into members: people who will visit your site and make purchases on a regular basis.

Keyword Selection

When creating a blueprint for your online business you want to start off by making a list of keywords you think would be relatable to your site. Then break them down and group them and assess which one’s would be more effective in driving prospects in.

Start off simple, with single words that relate to your site. Then begin combining words on your list to create phrases that are relevant. If you have some trouble with this, you can ask friends to give you a different point of view and possibly an angle you haven’t thought of.

You want to then expand on what you have and create phrases and long tail keywords. You also want to take into consideration how a web surfers age, profession and location effect the jargon that they may use. There are many different ways in which someone can say the same thing. Take cellphones for example: you can say cell, mobile, smartphone, etc. Try thinking outside the box, it will serve you well.

Keep An Eye on the Competition

As in any other business venture, online entrepreneurs tend to keep an eye on the competition in order to get ideas on how they can improve their profits. A great way to do this is to take advantage of Google’s Keyword Tool. Select a keyword you’re thinking of using and type it into the search bar. The results that come up on top is your competition.

Let’s say you’re promoting cellphones on an affiliate site, type “cellphone” into Google to see who your top competition is. Copy the URL of one of the top sites and use the Google Keyword Tool. Select the option “generate keyword ideas” using the websites content and then paste your competitions URL. After a few moments, Google will provide you with a list of keywords your prospective competitor is using. You will now see how you can expand on the list you originally made by observing the keyword ideas used by the competition that you didn’t even think of.

Sidenote: if applicable to your business, localize your keywords to your specific area. Let’s say you have a website for an actual store, make sure that you include that in your keywords. Small details can make the biggest difference. Anything that can set you apart while keeping specific to your site in particular will only be to your advantage.

About the Author: Ricky Singh, MBA is the CEO of AIRR Media. He has worked with some amazing startups in providing SEO, PPC, social media marketing, and crowdfunding services. Mr. Singh has a strong background in strategy, analysis, and technology.