Learn About Google Business, Leadership & Organizational Culture

Learn About Google Business, Leadership & Organizational Culture
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Google Business

The Google business, leadership and organizational culture has made it one of the world’s most enterprising and fastest growing companies. The main business of Google is Internet searching and the advertising business. This is a multi-billion dollar business with 97% of Google’s revenue coming mainly from its advertising business known as Google Adwords.

As Google strives to remain the top player in its game, it invests heavily into technological advancements to further distance its competitors. As the saying goes, getting to the top is the easy part, staying there takes real effort.

Google’s search services and its advertising services complement one another. Google earns revenue from the Google Adwords advertisers who pay to publish their ads to a specific targeted audience, and Google’s publishing partners deliver those ads to relevant search results, powered by Google Adsense. Google will then pay the publishing partners via Google Adsense, a share of the revenue generated from Google Adwords when readers click on the ads.

Google Leadership

Google is by far the obvious leader in the information publishing industry, with Yahoo and MSN lagging far behind, and it is known as the world’s most preferred search engine. Google’s 10 Point Philosophy Business Philosophy ensures its continued success in the industry.

One of the most important key performance indicators for the information publishing industry would be its popularity among Internet users. The survival of a search engines like Google in the information publishing industry is largely dependent on being the search engine of choice and its ability to reach out to the widest number of users. This is the main reason that Google keeps innovating and continuously improving on the artificial intelligence technology for its search engines to stay relevant for its users, even though Google Search’s algorithm is currently already far more superior than any of its existing competitors.

Clearly, Google is the giant of the industry, taking up 84% of the global search engine market share as at December 2010. This means that out of 10 Internet users, 8-9 people prefer to use Google to search for information.

Google Culture

The Google Business, leadership, organizational culture has successfully made the company listed on the top 10 of Fortune Magazine’s list of the 100 best companies to work for. Although Google had grown phenomenally from its humble beginnings in 1998, it still maintains the culture of a small company. Google spends a lot of money taking care of its staff and giving them plenty of flexibility and perks, from staff remuneration and benefits, health care, child care, to many other employee benefits, like offering free lunches and a great working environment, as well as employee functions and training. All of this is done to attract and retain top notch employees deemed the cream of the crop, brainy programmers, expert IT and market analysts, customer service personnel, and other peripheral staff. To date, Google has about 20,000 full-time employees, and has bagged the world’s best employer award many times over, with high retention rates and strong competition for jobs at the company. It is the dream job of most IT people. In 2010, once again, Google has been listed on the top 10 of Fortune 500’s list of the 100 best companies to work for.


  1. Google Corporate Information - Business Overview: https://www.google.com/corporate/business.html
  2. Google Corporate Information - The Google Culture: https://www.google.com/corporate/culture.html
  3. Google Investor Relations: https://investor.google.com/financial/tables.html
  4. Fortune Magazine’s Top 100 Employers To Work For: https://money.cnn.com/magazines/fortune/bestcompanies/2009/

Image Credit - Google Logo - Wikimedia Commons: https://commons.wikimedia.org