Free Examples of Employee Surveys of Job Satisfaction

Free Examples of Employee Surveys of Job Satisfaction
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Job satisfaction depends on many factors, such as:

  • Nature of rewards and benefits offered to the employee
  • The corporate culture and the individual’s fit with such culture
  • Opportunities for the employee to utilize talents and abilities and realize potential
  • Training and development opportunities available
  • Company recognizing the candidate’s abilities and achievements
  • Quality of leadership of the company and the success enjoyed by the company
  • The leadership style and temperament of the employee’s immediate supervisor
  • Job design and other working conditions that cause or reduce stress and fatigue

A basic job satisfaction survey lists out various questions connected to such factors, and uses a five-point scale to determine the overall extent of the respondent’s satisfaction or dissatisfaction. Advanced surveys used weighed average, by identifying the importance of the trait surveyed to the overall job satisfaction levels, and assigning relevant weighing.

Job Descriptive Index

Good surveys are scientifically validated, and the design bases itself on the analysis and use of the survey. One such scientifically validated job satisfaction survey is the Job Descriptive Index (JDI), created by Smith, Kendall, & Hulin in 1969. This method ranks among the earliest and most popular examples of employee surveys of job satisfaction. The JDI measures job satisfaction in “facet,” with the employee asked to think about specific facets of their job and rate the satisfaction with such specific facets.

Click here to download sample Job Descriptive Index from our Human Resources Media Gallery.

Other examples of employee survey of job satisfaction used are:

  • The Job satisfaction Scale, developed by Paul E Vector in 1985, is a 36-item questionnaire that measures nine facets of job satisfaction on a six-point scale. The nine facets measured include pay, promotion, supervision, fringe benefits, contingent rewards, operating procedures, coworkers, nature of workers, and communication.
  • The Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire that measures job satisfaction in 20 facets of ability utilization, achievement, activity, advancement, authority, company polices, compensation, co-workers, creativity, independence, security, social service, social status, moral values, recognition, responsibility, supervision, variety, and working conditions. The MSQ provides more information on the aspects of a job that an individual finds rewarding rather than general measures of job satisfaction, making it a good basis to determine relevant training and development needs, and ascertaining the type of positive reinforces required.

Explanation of Sample Job Descriptive Index Survey

The Job Descriptive Index in the HR Media Gallery measures an employee’s job satisfaction in terms of pay, promotions and promotion opportunities, coworkers, supervision, and the work itself, in a simple Yes / No / Undecided scale. This is a simple, straightforward, and self-explanatory survey.

The sample questionnaire in the Media Gallery has a series of twelve questions, with two questions each directly measuring the six facets of job satisfaction. The individuals response to each question sheds light on the satisfaction with the individual facet. Adding up the yes, no, and neutral scores helps ascertain the overall extent of an individual’s job satisfaction.

HR managers would do well to consider each item in the questionnaire, and concern themselves with issues where most of employees have showed low scores. For instance, if most of the responses tick a low score for the question “supervisor’s ability in leading the team,” then an issue with the supervisor’s leadership skills obviously exists regardless of the individual employee’s job satisfaction levels.

One note of caution, there is no one-size-fits all survey. The best examples of employee surveya of job satisfaction are those which are customized for the organization’s culture and communication systems.


  1. BGSU. “Job Descriptive Index.” Retrieved 15 February 2011.
  2. “Job Descriptive Index.” Retrieved 15 February 2011.
  3. University of South Florida. “Job Satisfaction Survey.” Retrieved 15 February 2011.

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