Free Business Proposal Samples - The Individual Business Proposal

Free Business Proposal Samples - The Individual Business Proposal
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What Is an Individual Business Proposal?

Many businesses are essentially sole proprietorships or consultancy-based. If this is your business, you know there are jobs you are suited for but how do you get those jobs? This is where the individual business proposal comes in and you’ll need to practice on some business proposal samples before you submit the offer.

In some circumstances, you may find jobs that require a request for proposal (RFP) and to get those jobs it’s a requirement, not a choice in order for you to even be considered.

Unlike a business plan, where a company sets their goals and uses the plan for investors, loans or funding, individual business proposals are basically short and to the point. They explain why you are the best person for the job and what methods you will utilize to tackle the job. They are also very clear on pricing, deadlines, and can include written contractual agreements if you are successful in landing the job.

Image Credit: Proposal Wikimedia Commons (

Elements of an Individual Business Proposal

If you do an Internet search on “individual business proposal samples,” you’re more likely to find all sorts of guides and how-tos on writing business proposals and plans—and these have nothing to do with impressing the client through the one-person proposal process.

Think of your individual proposal as a way to entice the client into choosing you to do the job. According to Capture Planning, your proposal should include things like:

  • What you will accomplish for the client?
  • How long with the project take and what resources or tools will you use?
  • Why are you the best person for the job (impression statement)?
  • Pricing and deadlines.
  • Why the client should pick you based on past experience and include that experience.
  • How you will deliver the project and methods you will use.
  • Budgets along with effective client communication.

Along with these elements, prior to writing your proposal, you should find out if the client will accept an informal business proposal or if they have additional requirements you must meet like working with certain vendors, a strong cash backing, organizational procedures, and steps or forms that must also be submitted along with the individual business proposal.

How to Write an Individual Business Proposal

DavideSapienza pen&paper

Before you submit your first one-person proposal, you’ll need to practice on some business proposal samples. First, download the Individual Business Proposal Template found in our Media Gallery to get an idea on the format you should follow.

The most important elements of your proposal should include:

  • Cover Letter - (a great cover letter sample can be found here on Bright Hub).
  • Proposal Summary – This should be a brief paragraph the job, what you plan to do, and who you are.
  • Body of the Proposal – This goes into more detail and includes sections such as your background and experience, what methods you will use including marketing plans or other tools to show success, resources, timelines, communication plans, and pricing.
  • Broader Sections – Here you can offer relevant data on the project at hand and how you will get from step one to the finish line. You should also be convincing (but not over lengthy) on why you are the best person for the job along with a job portfolio.

Offering up an individual business proposal is often best received if it’s short and to the point. While it’s good to include a list of clients and a past history, most prospective clients don’t want to see, touch, and feel every job you’ve worked on, so be brief, but strong in your convictions to get the job.

Finally, when deciding which business proposal sample style is best for you, keep in mind that proposal formats should and will change depending upon the client. Use the template in our Media Gallery based on the client’s needs, not on what you’ve done in the past. Tailor the proposal to meet the client, not the other way around and with practice, you’ll find you’re gaining many jobs.

Image Credit: DavideSapienza Pen & Paper (