Here are Some Tips for Making Credits in Windows Movie Maker.

Here are Some Tips for Making Credits in Windows Movie Maker.
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Where Credit is Due

The credits function in Windows Movie Maker is very sparse and specific. It has been built around a very specific type of credit formatting and is hard to deviate from that.

Because of this, there are a few tips and principles to follow when putting together the credits for your Windows Movie Maker project. Here are some of these special credit tips.

Creating Credits

To open up the credits creating window go into the left hand side of the Windows Movie Maker display, look to the left Movie Tasks pane, and find “Make titles or credits” from under the Edit Movie heading.

Select this, and the text creation options for your Windows Movie Maker project will come up. The last one on the list will be to create credits. Once you select this, you will be given the credits entry boxes.


Where you enter the text of your credits has a specific format. The top is one solid box, while all of the lower text entry points are in two different columns. There is no absolute for how credits are supposed to roll, but, since you only get a solid single box at the top, you may want to begin with the cast.

The reason for this is you can list Cast at the very top, and then just list each actor afterward. This lets people know that the positions that you are listing here are part of the cast and not crew positions. Here you can list their names on the right and their characters on the left. You can also just try listing the cast names without their characters. If you do this, you should just put their names in the right-hand column.


Once you have the cast listed, you are going to list all of the crew members. You are going to put their crew positions on the left and names on the right. This will make their position in smaller text on top and their name in larger text on bottom. This is a little more standard for film credits and looks nicer when people are checking names.

Adding Rows

There are a set number of row for credits in Windows Movie Maker when you first open up the text editor. To add to this, you can just go to the last row and hit Enter as many times as rows you need. It will just keep adding though they will be the two column rows and no single column ones.