Examples of Wording for a Thank You Card That Covers All Your Bases

Examples of Wording for a Thank You Card That Covers All Your Bases
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So Many Reasons, So Many Occasions to Thank Folks for Their Generosity

Seeing examples of wording for a Thank You card makes the process of writing one so much easier, and it helps to kick-start your own grateful inclinations. Although it’s always best to fire from the heart when expressing gratitude, often times your mind can draw a blank when it comes time to apply the pen to the card. Why this is I can only speculate, but I would gather that most times, hopefully, you want to come up with the right words to show someone how much that something they did or said meant to you. The same thing happens when a ‘Get Well’ card is going around and the pressure is on. Everybody sees what you’ll write on that one. Whether you’re sincere or funny depends a lot upon the recipient and how well you know them. So that very same factor applies to Thank You cards as well.

The degree of familiarity you have with the person you want to thank plays a part, along with the generational standards you should respect. Some folks may just be easily put off by flippancy, and that would fly in the face of the purpose of the card in the first place. By the same token, let’s not over think this task, saying thank you isn’t rocket science (pets know how to do it and they can’t even write). There are a great deal of different reasons to send one out, so the wording we’ll touch on below will apply to several stated occasions, to better help you decide on how you would like to personalize a wording sample.

Good Examples of Wording for a Thank You Card

First off, one of our writers here, Sylvia Cochran, has already covered the upcoming graduation season in her well-thought-out piece entitled What to Say on Graduation Thank-You Cards . So if that is what you’re looking for, go right there. Similarly, with the school year wrapping up, many conscientious student-athletes might like to thank their coaches, especially if they were proactive in helping them move on to the next level. Besides generic cards you can find one for this specific purpose and J. Scheid will show you all of your options, along with sage advice, in Where to Find Thank You Coach Cards .

Birthday/Christmas/Any Occasion that Scored you a Gift

Dear Fluffy,

I am wearing/using your gift right now. The fact that I like it so much shows how well you know me. You are always so thoughtful and my appreciation for our friendship/familial relationship knows no bounds.

All the Best ______________

Party that Was Thrown in Your Honor

Dear Whomever Beyou,

Gathering together all the people that I love and care for in your beautiful home/that quaint restaurant/the Y basement meant the world to me. I am so lucky to have you in my life and I hope you know that. I will cherish the memory always. Except for that incident with Uncle Al of course!

All My Love ___________

Business Related

Dear Boss,

Thanks for the confidence and trust you showed me by hiring/promoting/giving me a bonus. I enjoy working here and will continue to demonstrate the hard work and loyalty that you inspire. Thanks for all that you do for us.

Sincerely ______________


Dear Mr. and Mrs. Underhill,

I greatly appreciate the generosity in support of our cause/occasion. Your contribution and commitment will have a major impact on the details of cause/occasion and change people’s lives for the better. Your assistance means so much to us. Thank you on behalf of all of us.

Respectfully, __________

Finally, no pun intended, for the somber yet inevitable occasion of funerals, please read Thank You Cards for Funerals for many helpful resources gathered to assist you during that delicate time. I hope all this helps and remember, write from the heart and your words will always be appreciated. Except in the case of that ingrate Uncle Al, just send him a stale fish and be done with it.