Google Sites Settings

Google Sites Settings
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Site Settings for Google Sites

This article is for those who are new users to Google Sites. If you would like to know more about Google Sites and how to get started with the application read Create Your Own Google Site.

Creating the site settings for your Google Sites does not have to be a daunting task. Site settings and all sub-tabs that come under the Site Settings menu deal with regulating site options. The settings can only be set by the owner of the Google Site, which is something to keep in mind if you have a group site with various content posters.

Set the Landing Page

If you want to designate a certain page within your site to be the landing page, the change can be easily made. First open Site Settings and click on the Other Stuff tab.

Look for Designate Landing Page and choose the page that you want to be the “home” page. After you have chosen your page click Save Changes.

Make the site public

By default, when you create a site through Google Sites it will not be public. In order to make your site public, open your Site Settings. Once in the settings area click on the Sharing tab and scroll down to Advanced Permissions. Under permissions, check the “Anyone in the world may view this site” box to make your site public.

Change site language

If you want to change the language for your entire site, go the My Sites menu. The My Sites menu can be found after you have logged into Google and is located in the upper right hand corner of your screen.

Click on User Settings and a drop down menu will appear. Click on the Language selection from the drop down and select you desired language for the site. Once selected, click Save Changes and the language through out your site will be changed.

For more information on site settings in Google Sites, see the Google Sites Overview to get a bigger picture of what can be done when creating through Google Sites.