Google Sites Themes
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Themes in Google Sites

Google Sites offers a variety of site templates that are called themes. Created with a simple set of pre-packaged themes, design options range from monochromatic color pallets to more backgrounds with a textured base. Here we are going to take a look at the themes options you have when creating a web presence using Google Sites.

The default theme is called appropriately called Default and it is your basic light blue top panel with a gradient white panel beneath it. Using this theme will give your Google Sites the same basic look as the standard Google app. Think of the basic Gmail theme and you’ll have your look. The other simplistic theme that is offered is that called SimplyWhite, which is the Default theme without the blue. In using the SimplyWhite theme, your Google Sites will look like a clean slate, so to speak a regular bastion of online white space.

The themes that have a more decidedly girly type flair are the Glitter, Shortcake, MintChip and CherryPie


themes. Each of these themes uses pink as the bas color pallet, with accent colors such as brown, green and other shade of pink. The Glitter theme is more for your fashionistas, while the Shortcake, MintChip and CherryPie theme are more subdued.

Themes showing a manlier look use a gray and brown color base to them. Retropaint, Charcoal and Wintermint use various shade of gray with black, green and brown overtones. Retropaint has a background in a deep gray made to look like dripped paint behind your pages, while the Wintermint theme has a more polished look to it.


The various themed backgrounds that are available combine visual texture with graphic art. Among the textured look themes are the Patchwork, Torn and Tiles designs. Two of the textured theme names can be a little misleading in that the Patchwork theme is not fabric like patchwork but a puzzle like pieced together background and the Torn theme is not pieced together torn paper but a checkered type of background with various shading to each block.

The graphic art type themes are the Treehouse, Sunset and ShipShape. The Treehouse theme look is based on looking out to the sky with it’s clouds and treetops. The Sunset theme features a bright yellow color pallet with the sun setting behind some palm trees at the bottom of the background. The Shipshape theme shows a blue sky with white fluffy clouds over a calm blue sea.

Click on the below collective image of Goggle Sites themes to get a better view of each theme.
