Conservation of the Temperate Deciduous Forest: What is a Temperate Deciduous Forest and the Threats to It

Conservation of the Temperate Deciduous Forest:  What is a Temperate Deciduous Forest and the Threats to It
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Conservation of the temperate deciduous forest has become a priority among environmental scientists and environmental awareness groups. One-third of the Earth’s land is occupied by forests and temperate deciduous forests make up much of this. These forests are found in most of Europe, the eastern part of Canada and the United States, and parts of Japan and China.

What is a Temperate Deciduous Forest?

These forests are an ever-changing biome. They experience all four seasons: summer, fall, spring, and winter. Every year 30 to 60 inches of precipitation falls in these forests each year and it falls year round. There is a great variety of plant and animal life found in these forests. These forests also help to keep the air clean for us to breathe.

What is Conservation?

Conservation is the official supervision of forests, rivers, and other natural resources to protect and preserve them through prudent management. Through conservation, the temperate deciduous forest’s natural resources are carefully utilized to prevent depletion.

What is Threatening Our World’s Temperate Deciduous Forests?

These forests are the victim of many threats. Some of the most dangerous threats include development, unsustainable forest practices, and climate change.

Conservation Efforts for the World’s Temperate Deciduous Forests

Conservation of the temperate deciduous forest is necessary yet difficult to do. Many people demand and expect their needs come before and be more important than the forest wildlife and the forests’ long-term health. This approach and way of thinking could lead to only the large areas of these forests being protected in sanctuaries and national parks.

The trees in these forests have valuable timber that humans use for ships, houses, and furniture. Because of this thousands of trees are cut down each year, yet far less are ever replaced. Conservationists are striving to plant new trees and to encourage others to plant them as well.

The soil in temperate forests tends to be very rich. This results in farmers and large agricultural companies cutting down acres of trees and other flora for farming purposes. When this happens, the land used for farming cannot be recovered. Conservationists strive to prevent this, but unfortunately, they fail more often than not.

China’s temperate deciduous forests are home to some of the world’s endangered species. Conservation efforts in China are focused on protecting these forests which leads to the protection of these animals. Such animals include giant pandas and red pandas.

Conservation efforts have made a difference in the preservation of these forests. However, there is still a lot of work to be done. Lobbyists are constantly trying to push for laws that prohibit cutting down acres of forest for farming and wood.


Defenders of Wildlife. (2010). Forest Habitat. Retrieved on February 18, 2010 from Defenders of Wildlife:

Image Credits

San Juan Island Forest: Tom Harpel – Wikimedia Commons